A word from the President

Hello everyone,

This is myfirstnewsletter sinceGeneralMeeting2023 (the minutes of which you'll find below), so I'll start by welcoming Anaïs, Delphine and Julien to the Board and congratulating Matthieu, Damien, Gérard and Laurent on their re-election. We have held our first Board meeting, and I am pleased to announce that I am renewing my mandate as Chairman for a further year. Last but not least, Michel Faber, after his many years of service to the association as President and Director, remains by our side and joins the ranks of the AIESB Honorary Presidents.

A dynamic team has many plans for 2023: below you'll find the first events to be held in Toulouse and Paris. As always, we're here to help you organize new events.

Finally, as everyyear, I' d like to remind you that our associationreliesheavily on membership fees, so please find below our call for subscriptions. Many thanks to all those who havealready placed their trust in us.

We wish you a pleasant reading,

Sophie Grincourt,
AIESB President

Life of the AIESB
Call for contributions 2023

Wednesday 08 March
Diner du Bois, Paris

Dear Alumni,

Our Wood Dinners tour of France continues...

If you live in or are visiting Paris or...

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Wednesday 05 April
Diner du bois Toulouse April 5

For the first time and thanks to our new administrator Delphine Gardin (ESB 74), we invite you to a...

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Minutes General Meeting 2023

Our sponsors of the month
Woodenha Industries

Leader de la protection passive contre l'incendie, Woodenha Industries est spécialiste de...

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Un nouveau parcours de Bachelor «Commercialisation des solutions biosourcées»

Wednesday 15 March
Conference-debate Nantes March 15

Environmental crisis, post-growth and the role of engineers and scientists

The training of...

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Chef de Projet Développement Technique Objets de Décoration H/F
CDI , Paris
Dans un contexte de création du poste et sous la Responsabilité du Responsable Développement...
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Acheteur Junior H/F
CDI , Morbihan (56)
Négociations des achats de matières premières & consommables, énergie Négociations des achats de...
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Ingénieur en Réemploi et Recyclage des Matériaux à Paris H/F
CDI , 75000, PARIS
Profila est une société de conseil en Ingénierie et en Recrutement, spécialisée dans le Bâtiment,...
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Consultant Empreinte Carbone & Système de Management de l'Énergie H/F
Présent dans plus de 50 pays au travers de 6 grandes régions, le groupe DEKRA compte parmi les...
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Georges SAGET - ESB 23

Georges died on Monday February 6, 2023 at the age of 85.

An ESB engineer who was always very...

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