Hello everyone, This month we're focusing on organizing events, and there are plenty of them! Trade shows, of course: Nancy in April with the Forum Bois Construction, then Nantes and Lyon with CIB and Eurobois in June. Then there are the Cafésdu Bois, informal get-togetherswhere we meet other alumni from differentbackgrounds: Nancy, Lyon, Bordeaux and Nantes coming soon! And last but not least, the return of online exchangeson specific themessuch as supply issues. All theseevents are an opportunity to meet and discussyour needs, desires and expectations with regard to our association. We hope tosee many of you at all these events(don't forget to register on our website!), and if you have any ideas for events you'd like to see organized, please get in touch! Enjoy your reading, Sophie Grincourt, AIESB President